Walking the Tao – Chapter 51

What does the Divine Tao expect from me? What are the requirements to be a “good” follower of the Tao? The surprising answer is: nothing. The Tao nurtures, sustains, heals, and carries me without expecting anything from me; without demanding anything from me. It simply wants me to enjoy my place within the Divine. My responses can be appreciation, gratitude, and joy. That is enough for the Tao.

Author: William Martin

Taoist teacher/counselor

One thought on “Walking the Tao – Chapter 51”

  1. Thank you, Bill. I hadn’t managed to find my way to this site until Nancy referred me to your commentary on Chapter 52, and then sent me the link. That one correlated especially with the image I had last week of an internal energy as an infant being rocked within loving arms. As one vision leads to another, or gives birth to another?, I have more recently experienced the sound and idea of ‘the whole world in His hands. This morning, I read chapter 51, which struck me as just what I needed in this moment Now that I have found you here, I intend to visit again.

    Joy and gratitude overflow, and need to be shared.



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